Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Haters ask..
"Why you like kpop, why you be a kpopper, why you like them so much, why you really adore them? Did they know you, did they even know that you're exist, Did they can even remember each of you, did they really use or keep you gifts, did all your money that you spend on them is really worth, did they even know what you had done for them, did they even appreciate your supports on them, did they really loves you as much you love them, did you really thinks that you cam marry one of them one day, did you really even met them like always, why you have to know everything about them, why you know so much about their life, did they know your life or even knows who really are you? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?"

This is haters, they only know ask and ask and keep asking until they get the answers that make them satisfied. Looking at all the questions they asked really make my head spinning like a disco ball. What they ask are so annoying. Sometimes it is so lazy to answer or too tired to keep answering the same questions. "Did they even know you?" Yes! They know that we are a loyal fans, a fans who always support them no matter what happen. "What did they have done to you for all your efforts?" THEY MAKE SONGS FOR US YOU STUPID! They create songs for us. Their songs is their present for their fans.

HATERS. Only know how to ask, not to things. Their jobs is bashing people. They had no life at all because they only know to hate. When we said like that to them they're angry. They only know theirs feelings not other people. They don't like seeing other people happiness, that's why they hate. When people hate you, that's mean, your life is better than them. When people hating you, start bashing you even though you don't know who are they, you just smile and say thanks. That is because they are only jealous with our happiness. HATERS GONNA HATE ANYWAY. When people start hating, and bashing, please ignore. If you fight back that only make them more happier and its easy for them to find our weakness. But if you ignore, trust me, they will be tired and when people tired, they start to give up and lastly stop. To haters it was like barking at the stone all day at the stone didn't responds at all. It is tired right? So, let the haters hate, we just keep our mouth shut and smile. When they are tired they will give up and stop. Don't believe me? Go to the wall at mad at the wall, did the wall responds or fight back? Do it all, day, kick the wall, punch it and shout harsh words at it. You will be tired because the wall didn't respond backs and you will stop and ignore the wall. That what should we do to haters.



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